Leader Editorial: Vote YES on village charter amendments

This really is a no-brainer.

We strongly encourage Oxford Village residents to vote YES on the six charter amendments listed on the Nov. 8 ballot.

These amendments are designed to update the charter, bring it into compliance with state law and ensure greater accountability in village government

Keep in mind, the charter hasn’t been significantly reviewed or amended since 1978, back when smiling Jimmy Carter was tossing peanut shells on the floor of the Oval Office.

That’s a long time ago.

Two of these amendments represent something that’s often lacking in government – common sense.

One prohibits public officials from having conflicts of interest while serving the municipality.

Right now, the charter allows council members to have an interest, either “directly or indirectly,” in any contract made with the village or services performed for it as long as the remaining council members vote unanimously to allow it.

That’s idiotic. That’s wrong. That’s a recipe for corruption.

The other amendment requires elected and appointed officials to stay up-to-date on all their financial obligations to the village, from utility bills to property taxes.

Officials are prohibited from seeking or holding office if they’re indebted to the municipality, meaning they’re “more than 90 days past due” on “any water bill or other financial obligation to the village.”

Public officials who set our tax rates, water rates and sewer rates should pay their bills on time and follow the rules they make. If they don’t, they have no business holding office.

Both of these amendments make perfect sense. Only a person completely devoid of ethics or a habitual deadbeat could argue against either one.

Oxford Village residents deserve to have better government. For years, they’ve lived with incompetence, deceit, waste, bad deals and officials who cover up crimes.

These amendments represent a long-overdue step toward reforming a system that’s been broken for decades.

Vote YES on all six charter amendments and help usher in a new era.

The village will never change for the better unless voters make it happen.


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