Earlier election means earlier deadlines

The deadline to file a petition to run for the Clarkston Schools Board of Education is Feb. 8. According to the Michigan Department of Education, school board candidates must file an affidavit of identity and either a nominating petition or a nonrefundable $100 fee to run.
School board seats are elected positions determined by the voters of the community. Any person residing within the district boundary who completes the necessary petition has the ability to run.
According to Anita Banach, director of marketing and communication for Clarkston community schools, this election is very different compared to others in the past ? the school district has very little information regarding requested petitions and school districts no longer run the election business.
Instead, all information comes from the county. Another major difference is the elections have always been on the second Monday in June, and now are held on the first Tuesday in May.
‘This is not a major hurdle for us, but a difference from the past,? said Banach.
Important dates for the May 3 election are: March 7, filing deadline for community college trustees and district library board candidates; April 4, last day to register to vote in the May 3 election; April 29, filing deadline for write-in candidates; April 30, deadline for applying for an absentee ballot by mail; May 2, deadline for voters to vote an absentee ballot in person; and May 3, election day.

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