Need to get to the bottom of ‘this mess’

Dear Editor,
Imagine living in a place like Venezuela where it does not matter at all who you vote for; your leaders will choose the “right” outcome for you.
I thought the election results in Michigan were clear and that Joe Biden was the big winner. Now I am not so sure. It is clear we need to investigate further.
On Thursday, the President’s lawyers outlined a compelling case of election corruption in Wayne County and elsewhere in the country. This information cannot be ignored if we want to ever again have free and fair elections in Michigan.
Hundreds of people, both Democrats and Republicans, have signed affidavits swearing they personally observed illegal or improper things occurring in the election on a massive scale. This includes City employees testifying that there were told to “back date” ballots. They also observed ballots arriving in unsecured bags and boxes to be processed outside the view of election inspectors. They further observed the same groups of ballots being fed into the counting machines multiple times – and being counted over and over. Other allegations were included.
Now that all of this evidence is public, isn’t it important that we take the right steps to ensure the vote was not corrupted?
How can anyone have faith in the outcome if this is not resolved? First, the certification process must be placed on temporary hold. Second, a recount of all valid ballots must be performed. Third, court hearings on the observed corruption must be held and questions about the functioning of election machines must be answered.
Everyone should be against political corruption – regardless which side you are on. Once we have lost the ability to have honest elections, nothing else matters. The people who control the vote will control you in every way imaginable.
Unless we root out corruption in our election process, we will never have a functioning democracy or have representatives chosen by the people. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson should take immediate action to clean up the long-running failures — she is responsible for overseeing our vote in Michigan. It is time for local officials like Senator Ruth Johnson and Representative John Reilly stand up and compel Benson get to the bottom of this mess.
Jay Taylor,

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