Oh lucky day, the Taxman cometh

We all know (because we are all legal Americans) that it is our right — dare I say our solemn duty — to moan, groan and grumble about taxes. Since those exciting days of yesteryear when we tore off the tyrannical shackles of an oppressive government (read taxation without representation) we don’t like giving up our hard-earned wages.
So, while illegal immigrants get ready to protest their grievances on May 1, us legals should prepare to celebrate Tax Freedom Day (the day our money stays with us, versus working for The Man)– the 116th day of 2006, Wednesday, April 26. I’ll bring the beer, if somebody else fires up the grill and cooks the weiners.
As a red-blooded American, I can honestly say I hate all those namby-pamby socialist apologists who smugly suggest, ‘Well, you should be happy. They pay more taxes in Europe . . .?
If we, taxpaying America, give up shoutin? at those smackin? frackin? revenuers; if we turn yeller?, we will become Them. ‘Them? are the sheep who populate the rest of the world — those who are betrayed by their own ingrained appeasement of their own royal shepherds.
I read an article on-line by Debora Vrana about taxes worldwide. It had a nice chart that showed taxes from 30 countries involved with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It’s a think-tank group based in Paris, France.
Based on 2003 numbers, the U.S. was among the lowest taxed in the world, with only Mexico having a lower tax rate. It’s not too hard to see why Mexico has a lower tax rate than the U.S. We’re fronting the bill for whatever health care their residents need after they sneak across our border.
The chart showed tax rates (federal, state and local combined) for singles with no kids and married with two kids. In the U.S., the rates were 29.1 percent and 11.9 percent, respectively. The rate in Mexico was a straight 18.2 percent.
Ironically, from the chart it looks like the Irish (who have bad blood for royalty for about 800 years) have the lowest rate in the European Union. If you’re single with no kids, you pay 25.7 percent, but if you’re married with two kids your rate drops down to 8.1 percent. (Honey, pack the kids, I think it’s time to relocate to the old sod.)
The French and German governments are really giving it to their countrymen. If you’re a single German with no kids, you fork over nearly 52 percent of your earnings (51.8) to the government. The rate drops down to 35.7 if you get hitched and have a few rug rats. But, the brauts and beer are good, so they have that going for them.
For having the privilege of being born and living in France, you get good wine, the joy of knowing that one in 10 of your countrymen are unemployed and that at any one time 100,000 or so 20-somethings will march in the streets protesting a government they don’t understand.
You also get to pay 50.1 percent of your earnings to the French government if you’re single with no kids. Getting married and having kids doesn’t do you much good, either; you still owe 41.7 percent.
According to the on-line article, Sweden, Turkey, France and Poland impose the biggest tax burdens on families, ‘but in most of those countries families get added social services, such as secure pensions and health care.?
That’s the propaganda line they use to get us to feel good about paying more taxes here. The Euros pay more, but they get more back. Hmm . . Does anybody really buy that? Do you really think government guaranteed pensions (or anything) are cost-effective, wonderful things?
Or, are the state-sponsored handouts just a way to keep the rabble tame so they don’t rise up, with pitchforks in hand?
Just something to think about this election year when you look at your paycheck stub and see how much money you’re not bringing home.
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