Please vote ‘yes’ for library millage

To my fellow Oxford community members,
I am writing today to ask that you strongly consider voting “yes” on the bond millage for the Oxford Library.
In the over 20 years that I have lived in Oxford, I have watched our community grow in size. We have a wonderful resource in our local library, and I would love to see it grow as well. Many of the current spaces (Children’s and Teen departments in particular) are just not large enough to accommodate our larger community. Families need the space in order for their children to grow and learn. I want future generations to have as much fun at the library as my son did during his younger years.
I know I will continue to appreciate all our library has to offer no matter the size. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if we expanded its borders to meet the needs of future generations? I know I think so, and I hope that my fellow community members do as well.
Please Vote YES to the library on November 2nd.
Thank you in advance,
Jennifer Prather, Oxford

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