A total of 88 people participated in the annual Turkey Trot – running five kilometers, or walking two – at Seymour Lake Township Park on Saturday, Nov. 6. The event was organized by Oxford Township Parks and Rec., and sponsored by Oxford Meijer and Agent Liz Scott of Community Insurance Center.
The first-place winners of each division took home a frozen turkey from Meijer, while all registered walkers who crossed the finish line were entered into a drawing to win a turkey.
Here are all the Turkey-winners, and their finish times:
Elementary Male: Theodore Schantz (26:24)
Elementary Female: A. Cusick (38:24)
Middle School Male: Michael Secord (20:30)
Middle School Female: Charlotte Jones (20:47)
High School Male: Raymond Lucero (18:22)
High School Female: Rebecca Secord (21:54)
Male Age 19-29: Alex Pollack (17:06)
Female Age 19-29: P. Bailey (25:13)
Male Age 30-39: Joe Fedornchik (22:27)
Female Age 30-39: Laurie Wray (24:31)
Male Age 40-49: Brian Fairchild (22:47)
Female Age 40-49: Erin McLeod (26:13)
Male Age 50-59: Korey Bailey (35:39)
Female Age 50-59: Liz Hendershott (23:31)
Male Age 60-69: Curtis Wright (25:15)
Female Age 60-69: Debbie Culloty (40:01.21)
Male Age 70-plus: Mike Culloty (40:01)
Walkers Under Age 40: Nicole Wrobel and Kellen Fairchild
Walkers Age 40-plus: Judy Thomas and Deb Nelson
— James Hanlon
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