Voters Okay land swap

A proposed land swap between Oxford Bank and Oxford Village was approved Monday by a more than 6-1 margin while two incumbent council members who faced no challengers were easily re-elected.
By an overwhelming margin of 191-31, village voters gave the municipality permission to trade a parcel of land it owns, known as Edison Alley, for two parcels owned by Oxford Bank.
The swap will allow the village to move the alley to east and create a proper road between Stanton and Broadway streets. It will also allow the municipality to create a third lane (a right-turn lane) at the intersection of M-24 and Broadway.
As for the bank, the trade gives it a larger contiguous parcel with more flexibility for future redevelopment or expansion.
Incumbent village council members Renee Donovan and Dave Bailey ran unopposed and garnered 183 and 163 votes respectively.
Of the 223 ballots cast in the election, 10 contained votes for unregistered write-in candidates, according to village Clerk Rose Bejma.
Village Planning Commission Chairman Tom Schultz received four votes, while village resident John DuVal garnered three votes.
Receiving one vote each were village residents Suzanne Ardelan, Jerome (Duke) Graessle, Sue Bossardet, Robert Brannon and Robert Scott.
Spanish entertainer Charo also received one vote as did cartoon characters Eric Cartman and Scooby Doo.
Bejma said of the 223 ballots cast, 134 were absentee, while 89 were cast at polls.
More than 300 applications for absentee ballots and 170 ballots were mailed out prior to the election, according to the clerk.
Given the total number of registered village voters is 2,390, the voter-turnout rate was 9.33 percent.
Bejma said one ballot was turned in completely blank.

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