Letters to the Editor

Against single waste hauler ordinance Once again I am encouraging township residents to oppose the proposed ordinance to adopt a single waste hauler. The basis for my concern is mostly economic, as I do believe competition results in the best for all. Without competition we are at the mercy of the provider. Consider the internet […]

Succession planning is good for your brand

The hit HBO show “Succession” brought to the mainstream a concept that has been around for centuries. Some even argue there are lessons from God on succession planning in the Bible. No matter how far it dates back, the concept of planning for what and who is next when it comes to a business’ future […]

Against a single waste hauler for Oxford Twp. residents

As a resident of Oxford, I strongly disagree with Oxford Township Board of Trustees decision to begin the process of an RFP for a single waste hauler prior to having the proposal voted upon. That’s a prime example of “putting the cart before the horse.” I do NOT agree with the township having a provider […]

Need for accessible healthcare in rural Michigan

The reality for many in our rural communities, including Oxford, is a lack of immediate access to hospital services, posing a dire risk to public health and safety. The necessity to travel nearly 30 miles for hospital care is a glaring testament to the gaps in our healthcare system. The introduction of HB-5477 by 66th […]

Thank you for supporting Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels of Oxford, Lake Orion and Addison thanks Independence Village of Waterstone for generously providing the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day meals for our homebound seniors.  For the past few years Independence Village has been a true partner of Meals on Wheels and has not hesitated in providing a wonderful hot meal […]

Thank you for supporting K-9 Stray Rescue League

A big thank you to our all our sponsors, local businesses and wine lovers who helped support our W’h’ines for K9 wine fundraiser at Lapeer Country Club.  Our fundraiser was a huge success with over 150 attendees and $23,000 raised in funds for our rescue. We could not have done it without you, our local and […]

Free Meals continues to thrive thanks to newspaper sales

I would like to express my most heartfelt thank you and appreciation to the View Newspaper Group for their donation during our Free Meals newspaper sales fundraiser last week. The View Newspaper Group graciously donated copies of the Oxford Leader and County Press for our street sale! Through those sales we raised more than $1,100 […]

Why was single waste hauler proposal brought up again?

I read with interest the article in the Oxford Leader on Nov. 15, 2023 concerning the request for an RFP (Request for Proposal) for a single waste hauler for Oxford Township and it piques my interest of why this proposal has been brought back up after being shelved previously. As a former businessman who prepared […]

Save the empathy, compassion for students, families

I have some questions for the author of “Everyone deserves to truly heal.” (Oxford Leader, Letters to the Editor, Nov. 15, 2023) The author wrote, “. . . people can also admit these people deserve empathy and compassion as much as any of us.” Wait what? What about the people who have refused to extend […]

Thank you Oxford first responders

I recently had the need to rely on our local Oxford sheriff, the police department, and fire and rescue personnel with emergency health issues on three occasions. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out to the public the great service these wonderful people provide for this city. Each and every person I encountered […]

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