Everyone deserves to truly heal

Like everyone in our community, events of November 30, 2021, were crushing. Physically, mentally, and emotionally crushing. This is a community where the degree of separation is likely no more than one person, so unless you are new here, you were likely deeply affected. I’ve read the report and the results are what I expected. […]

Goodbye, Oxford

 Dear Oxford Community, It is with mixed emotions that we, the Oxford Lions Club, write this letter to bid farewell after 76 incredible years of service to our beloved community. While it saddens us to announce our disbandment, we want to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering support […]

Medicare fraud

 Just some information, I wanted to share with the community. I received my Medicare Summary Notice which lists what medicare paid for my medical expenses. I had never ordered a Covid test kit, but had received one last May. My Medicare Summary had a total of four test kits listed. I called Medicare and discovered […]

In support of Patterson

Dear Editor, I attended the event last week in Clarkston, where Mary Margaret Patterson announced her candidacy for Oakland County Executive. It was thought-provoking and very well-attended. I’m convinced people in our county are looking for change. I have many concerns about the leadership of our county, including unwanted transit tax increases, gifts to foreign […]

Thanks for the coverage

 Dear Editor, Many thanks for your wonderful coverage of the boat parade on Paint and Clear lakes.  Our community is so lucky to have the Oxford Leader (July 12, 2023). I also really enjoyed the Peggy Reddaway reflection in Don Rush’s “Don’t Rush Me” column. Thanks for all you do! Glenn McTaggart Oxford

Grab for power

 Dear Editor, The article in the May 24, 2023 Oxford Leader (Proposed mining bills would move permitting to state) about the proposal to give the State of Michigan the sole right to determine if a mining company can mine in your city, your village, your township or your backyard is a grab for power. And, […]

Teen Center?

 Ever wonder why there is a Senior Center and not a Teen Center? Senior Center’s give good reasons for Teen Centers. Senior Center’s offer older citizens a chance to socialize and mingle. As we age we lose many of our role purposes. In the normal course of life our children leave home, we retire and […]

A Lion ‘thank you’

A Lion ‘thank you’

Dear Editor, Thank you for publicizing the Oxford Lions Club’s annual White Cane Sale in your community newspaper on May 31. And, thank you to all the residents who stopped and donated! Your generosity totaled $4,334.40. Our fundraisers allow us to make donations to 13 different groups. We give scholarships to Oxford High School students, […]

Promoting ‘common sense’ gun safety

 Dear Editor, As of May 18, our country marked its 227th mass shooting of 2023. Three of those shootings were in Michigan. The daily horror, long-term impact, grief and devastation of the Oxford High School shooting still reverberates in our community. This year, the United States has averaged more than one mass shooting per day, according to […]

Keep competition alive in Oxford Township

 What happens if Oxford Township goes to a single Trash Hauler? What is the backup for any disruption in service? How many trash haulers will be left in business to bid on future service contracts? Doesn’t this just set up our residents for a monopoly trash hauler to demand ever-increasing rates? Many township residents have […]