One vote, one winner

Ortonville – For council member Harold Batten every vote really does count.
On Monday, March 8, Batten was re-elected to a full four-year term on the village council, winning his seat with 30 votes over the 29 votes for candidate Bob Flath.
Out of the 992 registered voters in the village, a total of 64 residents turned out to elect the council, where three incumbents were re-elected.
Sue Bess was elected to another 2-year term as village president, with a total of 43 votes.
Kay Green, who was running for a four-year council seat, was re-elected with a total of 43 votes. The village council will appoint a president pro-tem at the next village meeting on March 22.
Council incumbent Gina Joy Roemer was elected to a two-year term with 38 votes for her four-year seat. Roemer was required to run because she was appointed to the council after Carrie Fisher resigned.
Tom Peters, who captured the single highest amount of votes was re-elected to a four-year seat after completing two years of an appointment by the council.
Although 64 votes is only 6.5 percent of the total 992 eligible residents to exercise their right to vote, Village President Bess said she is very pleased that the number is doubled over last year’s turn out.
‘I was please at the higher turnout,? Bess said. She was also happy that the residents saw fit to re-elect all the incumbants.
‘We have a very good working council and will continue to be productive.
With a close race such as the Batten-Flath separation of only one vote, Village Manager Paul Zelenak said he was pleased there were no ‘snags or snafoos? in the village election procedures, stating the election workers did a great job manning the polls all day.
Election coordinator for Brandon Township Karen McArthur, Village Clerk/Treasurer Mary Clark, Evelyn Reneaud, and Kerry Borst, stood sentry over the election tables at the Old Town Hall.

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