Signs,Web site

nTownship agrees to modify sign ordinance: At the request of the Township Supervisor Ron Lapp, the board moved to recommend an addendum to an existing sign ordinance to include a time limit on displaying political signs.
Currently the ordinance does not specify the number of days prior to an election which a candidate can display political signs throughout the community.
Lapp told the board that even though the primary is not until August and the election is not until November one candidate is already stamping the roadsides with candidacy signs.
‘I personally don’t care to see clusters of signs for the next six months,? Lapp said as he explained that in the past candidates honored a long-standing ‘gentleman’s agreement? not to post signs until 30 days before the primary.
‘I am asking the board to expedite approval of an addendum to the sign ordinance for political signs to be displayed 30 days before the election,? he said.
‘We will enforce it through the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law, however the Oakland County Road Commission does not want to see another 27 signs on M-15 and Seymour Lake Road again.?
In addition, Lapp reminded all candidates that any and all political materials, including Web sites, must post a disclaimer, i.e. ‘paid for by the committee to elect John or Jane Doe,? or the candidate will be in violation of election laws.
nIncrease in Web site maintenance fee: Board approved an increase in fees to IGD Solutions, the Webcsite host service for Brandon Township. After a year of monitoring updates and maintenance for the township website, IGD Solutions has requested an increase in hosting the site from $25 to $50 a month and to increase a monthly maintenance fee from $75 to $125.
IGD Solutions representative Gary Hinz said the $600 a year increase is a maintenance fee due, in large part, to increased data with the addition of the fire department information, and that it is likely there will be less activity in the next year, which could potentially decrease the maintenance fee. ‘Teri Stiles

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