Vandals dampen dedication

Ortonville – It wasn’t rain that dampened the third annual Skatefest at the Village Skate Park’it was malicious vandalism.
After three years of hard work, Waybrant and hundreds of area volunteers were ready to dedicate the Village Skate park on Aug. 7 during the annual Skatefest before the vandals struck.
‘We had everything set up for the dedication and we went home about 10 o’clock the night before? said Fred Waybrant, Brandon Recreation department director.
In the morning, instead of finding volunteers at the park Waybrant found someone ripped the tent off the stakes.
‘Someone stole the tent and hid it in the church bushes,? he said.
Waybrant thinks the act was committed by someone who was unhappy about the park.
Eventually we found it (the tent) hidden in the bushes next to the church,? Waybrant said. ‘But it was too late to put up before the celebration started.?
In spite of the malicious behavior, Waybrant said the Skatefest was a success in smaller numbers.
‘It was smaller then the past two years,? Waybrant said who added that the thinks the numbers were down because there were no additions to the equipment this year.
More than 45 skaters entered the participation events tutored by professional skate boarder Jesse McArthor, and an equal number of onlookers enjoyed the event, helping raise more than $250, with an additional $200 from the Brandon Township Library.

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