Brandon man sentenced

Brandon Twp. – Former Brandon resident Randy Ray Cooper will be spending the next year in county jail, minus two days for time served.
Cooper was sentenced to three years probation and a year in jail for fourth degree criminal sexual misconduct.
In addition to registering on the national sexual offender list, Cooper is to have no contact with anyone under the age of 16. In addition he will not be allowed to date or marry anyone with children under the age of 16.
‘He’s sitting in our illustrious county jail right now,? said Bob Shillig, Lapeer Prosecuting Attorney.
After more than a year of postponements, Cooper was finally sentenced on Aug. 2, after his attorney called the court and asked for the judge to pass the order.
Shillig who has been prosecuting the case for the past year said for an unknown reason two days before the sentencing, Cooper’s attorney simply called and asked for the judge to issue sentencing immediately.
‘His lawyer just called in and asked for it,? said Lapeer Prosecuting Attorney Bob Shillig.
Since July 2003 Cooper has remained free on two separate $100,000 personal bonds for sexual crimes he was arrested for in 2002.
On May 20, 2004 Cooper stood before 40th District Court Judge John Connolly and pled guilty on two counts each, of fourth degree criminal sexual conduct . The first count stemmed from a 2003 incident in which Cooper inappropriately touched a preteen Hadley girl.
During the investigation of the original charge a 21 year old Lapeer woman came forward accusing Cooper of forcefully holding her down in an attempt to rape her on New Year’s Eve 2002.
Until now, Cooper had no prior criminal record, so according to Shillig, he got the minimum sentence, however should any charges be filed against him in the future, a second conviction would carry from one day to life in prison.
Prior to the trial, however, several more women reported abuse from Cooper, from as far away as Florida, and as close as Oakland County. State police say, however, tangible evidence is no longer available the cases are no longer prosecutable.

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