Former co-worker walks in Breast Cancer 3-Day for clerk Jill Bastian

Nina Fetzer isn’t a breast cancer survivor herself, but she said you don’t have to be to want to take part in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk, sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Fetzer said she was inspired to get involved with this year’s Michigan walk, held Aug. 20-22 in the Detroit Metro area, by her friend and former co-worker, Orion Township Clerk Jill Bastian, a breast cancer survivor.
‘I met Jill when we worked together at the toy store at Canterbury Village,? said Fetzer. ‘That was eight years ago.
‘We got to be friends,? she said. ‘I heard about what she was going through (being diagnosed with breast cancer), and my ex-husband, Michael Fetzer, is on the township board so he kept me up to date on what was happening with her.?
Bastian is now in recovery, and Fetzer said she looks great.
‘I have an amazing amount of respect for the woman,? she said. ‘She’s my inspiration. I wanted to do the walk for a while.?
Fetzer said, like most woman her age, she’s had mammograms and undergone biopsies for tumors that turned out to be benign.
‘You think of all the women who didn’t get a letter saying it was nothing,? she said.
Fetzer signed up for the walk last fall, and began training for the 60-mile, three-day trip in January. She said she didn’t begin focusing on fundraising until March; each walk must raise at least $2,000 to participate.
‘I think that’s a lot of the reason people are afraid to do it,? she said of the $2,000. ‘But people there who have extra give the money to you to help make up your $2,000…It’s all going to the same place, and they want to make sure everyone can walk.?
To train, Fetzer walked at Great Lakes Crossing mall with her sister, slowly working up to doing more and more miles every time she was out walking. She also went on group walks with other people training for the event, starting in April, and said that was a big motivator.
‘I never walked,? she said of her habits prior to training for the 3-Day. ‘When I started I did two miles, and I thought… ‘How am I going to do this??
‘But I never made it up to 20 miles in a row…so Friday I was nervous,? Fetzer said.
About 1,700 walkers participated in this year’s 3-Day which began about 7:15 a.m. on Friday in Ypsilanti at Eastern Michigan University. From there, the walkers traveled 60 miles to finish at St. Mary’s College in Orchard Lake.
‘It rained Friday and it was cold,? Fetzer said. ‘We camped in tents along the way. The Boy Scouts volunteered, which was cool, they help you set up your tent.?
Besides the walkers, 300 volunteer crew members helped cook meals and move camp every day. Fetzer hopes to get involved with that aspect of next year’s walk.
‘There’s so much work they have to do,? she said. ‘There are also 100 people on the medical team, all volunteers.?
Besides those directly involved, Fetzer said the people who just came out to cheer them on were a big factor.
‘It was really great, houses were decorated,? she said. ‘And people were there cheering. It made a difference.?
Fetzer encourages anyone who would like to do the walk, but are worried about being able to raise the $2,000, to sign up anyway.
‘It wasn’t until the last couple of days that I had everything I needed,? she said. ‘When I told Jill what I wanted to do, she was just floored…then she said ‘Well, what can I do,?? which is typical of her.?
Fetzer said Bastian went to her church to help raise funds, and when her husband Doug Bastian brought Fetzer the envelope, she found she was $150 over her goal.
‘So I was able to give that to someone else at the walk who needed more money,? she said.
‘I just felt so honored,? Bastian said. ‘I have a lot of respect for the types of projects Nina’s been involved with in the township…I’m so glad she succeeded, it’s awesome.?
Bastian said she was happy to do what she could to help out with the fundraising.
‘I’m so appreciative to those people (who walked),? she said.
Fetzer said she was overwhelmed by the support she got from family, friends and co-workers, but wished larger businesses would do more.
‘I was very disappointed at places like Kroger, what’s $50 to them?? asked Fetzer. ‘We as a community support them.?
Whether walker or crew member, Fetzer has no doubt she will be involved in the walk next year.
‘This year we raised $4.4 million,? she said. ‘This same group sponsors 8-9 walks every year, starting in May through October. They are planning next year’s 3-Day in Michigan for July.
‘The Susan G. Komen Foundation is a fantastic organization,? said Fetzer.
Fetzer, mom to 16-year-old daughter Jamie, said when she came home Sunday night she found her daughter had cleaned the house and bought her new towels to enjoy after her hot shower.
‘She was so proud,? Fetzer said. ‘There were a lot of mother-daughter walkers there. I could see Jamie maybe being a crew member…She was involved though, she drove me down there and we talked a lot about it.?
Anyone who would like more information on the 3-Day Walks can visit

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