Oxford teen lands dream role

Amanda Burke will be 18-years-old in November and she’s already living out a lifelong fantasy by playing ‘Belle? in Beauty and the Beast.
‘Belle is an awesome part to play,? said Burke. ‘It’s always been my dream role.?
As a home school student, Burke has been involved with five theater groups, performing in 15 productions throughout her adolescent life.
In August, Burke landed the co-staring role in Sara Smith’s production of The Enchantment of Beauty and the Beast at the Birmingham Community House.
‘This is the Broadway version of the play, which is a little more extensive,? said Burke.
‘My first three productions were A Mid-Summer Nights Dream, Hamlet, and A Comedy of Errors,? she said, but playing ‘Belle? has been her dream.
Pleased with the results of her August audition, Production Manager Kathy Badalamenti said Burke is definitely right for the part.
When asked if she’s nervous about opening night, which is fast-approaching, Burke said she was excited to be performing her dream role in a theater she’s never acted in before.
‘I’m living all my dream roles before I graduate,? she giggled.
Smith’s production of The Enchantment of Beauty and the Beast opens at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6 with additional performances at 2 and 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7. All performances will take place at The Birmingham Community House in Birmingham.
Tickets are available at the door or by calling 248-644-5832.

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