Clarkston schools recognize employees

The Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education nominated 16 people for first quarter employee recognition awards. These individuals were acknowledged at the regular school board meeting on Nov. 8. Each had their turn at the front podium and listened while co-workers spoke kind words on their behalf. Each nominee received a beautiful desk clock engraved Clarkston Community Schools Excellence.
And the winners are?
Barbara Gramann, AE Teacher; Daniel Minot, BLE Teacher; Julie Chamberlain, IE Teacher; Chris Turner, IE Principal; Sharon Miller, NSE Instructional Aide; Christopher Young, NSE Building Aide; Sheryl Herr, PKE Instructional Aide; Tamara Hamilton, PKE Media Specialist; Robert Brazier, PKE Teacher; Judy Zielinski, SPE Title 1 Reading Aide; Melissa Butki, SMS Teacher; Gerri Devine, CMS Math Specialist; Kyleen Cunningham, CHS Teacher; Laura Keenan, CHS Paraprofessional; Kathy Peshl, Accounts Payable Secretary; Carolyn Clarke, SSS Social Worker.

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