Hopes run high for boys basketball

Despite the opening season 48-33 loss to Utica Eisenhower, which Wildcat Varsity Basketball head coach Steve Laidlaw described as a respectable defeat, the team has a shot for a great season.
Laidlaw said he was not disappointed with the team’s performance against one of the best teams in the county, especially when you consider his team’s age and experience level.
‘We’re a young team this year,? said Laidlaw, noting three starting players are juniors, Alan Willer, Brad Dugan, and Bill Keenist.
Losing seven seniors left a hole that Laidlaw said will take adjustments to fill with the 13 returning players.
‘We have a lot of good, experienced height that we are going to utilize,? Laidlaw said.
Eight of the returning team members are leaders both on and off the court, including senior captains Marty Ball, Brandon McKay, and Colin Keener. The remaining five seniors who will add maturity to the team are Grayson Dzialo, Michael Jones, Martin Ball, James Baldwin, and Joseph Kubina.
‘I’m excited about this season and our future,? Laidlaw said adding he intends to take full advantage of height and experience of 6-foot, 6-inch senior Dave Wendt and junior Brad Dugan, who stands at 6 feet, 4 inches.
In the 2003-2004 district competition, Wendt was aggressive offensively, adding 14 points and 15 rebounds to the team score, second only to outgoing senior Joe Fedorinchik. ‘We will use Dave and Brad’s height as much as possible,? Laidlaw added
Watch for point guard junior Alan Willar to be a solid player in the team’s future, along with juniors Keenist and Brad Grunewald, who both play forward for the team, Laidlaw noted.
‘We have a lot of good things in the program including front line strength and we are excited about the season,? Laidlaw said. ‘We just need to get the ball inside and close the game.?
When asked about weaknesses, Laidlaw confidently said the team really doesn’t really have any except a few bumps and bruises, which is causing him to keep a few players on the court longer than he wants. ‘It’s hurting our ball handling, but we’ll be fine,? Laidlaw said.
Without skipping a beat the coach added the biggest asset to the team is it’s great attitude and hard work ethic.
‘They are very respectable, very coachable. That’s their strength,? he said.
The boys will next face Lapeer West in an away game 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17.

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