Illegal dumping at park?

A donation of topsoil and fill valued at roughly $25,000 for a field at Friendship Park is now under investigation by Orion Township.
The topsoil was placed at the northwest end of the park, at the corner of Clarkston and Baldwin roads, last year. Since that time, according to one resident who phoned The Review, pieces of brick, muck and even broken glass have been found in the dirt, posing a safety issue.
‘It appears that there was some illegal dumping, and we’re investigating the situation,? said Supervisor Jerry Dywasuk, who said he doubts the company that donated the soil is responsible for the items.
Somewhere along the line, a material that wasn’t supposed to be dumped somehow was, Dywasuk said.
Township engineers Orchard, Hiltz and McCliment are checking on exactly what type of material was dumped.
The area in question is at the very back of the park, part of a larger area that has been roped off.
That portion of the park is where construction of a gas line took place, triggering the donation, which was planned for future athletic fields — perhaps as early as fall of 2007.
‘It’s in an area of the park where there’s limited accessibility,? Dywasuk said, noting that people still could walk back there, so something needs to be done.
Until the issue is thoroughly examined by the engineeers, Dywasuk said it’s too early to speculate about how much money fixing the problem will cost.
The item was discussed in executive session during the township board’s July 17 meeting.
‘If we can find out who did it, we will charge them,? Dywasuk said, adding that this issue is ‘something new to (the board).?

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