Injured swan rescued on M-24

We’ve all heard of lucky ducks, but a lucky swan is a horse of a different color.
It was a day of double luck for a swan that was found in the middle of busy M-24 on Friday, December 31.
No one witnessed the fowl getting hit by a car, but Deputy Jason Louwaert of the Oakland County Sheriff Department Oxford Substation said a driver called to report the swan was motionless in the middle of the road. By the time Louwaert arrived, the driver had moved the swan to the shoulder of the road.
Oakland County Animal Control rescued the flightless fowl and took him to the animal shelter for refuge and examination.
‘He seems to be looking good and moving around the cage with no problem,? said caretaker Sergeant Hawley, who said the animal might have been bumped by a car and temporarily stunned.
Sergeant Hawley said the swan will be placed in the care of a water fowl wildlife rehabilitation expert and that it’s too soon to determine if the swan will be released back into its Oxford territory near Stony Lake area following rehabilitation.
‘His release will depend on the nature of the injuries, if any,? she said. ‘So far, he’s standing up, looking around and looking good.?

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