Look out Dragons, there’s new competition in town

Over 50 female supporters of Dragon football, a group made up of mostly players? moms, turned out for the first Women’s Football 101 Camp, to benefit the PEPP and Dragon GAP Clubs.
Guided Activities Program (GAP) coordinator Ben Gerdeman said the camp alone raised over $2,000, to be split among the two organizations.
Parents Encouraging Players Positively (PEPP) was also set to receive a percentage of sales from Buffalo Wild Wings, a fundraiser that netted nearly $400 a week earlier.
The campers went through drills much like their sons, brothers and friends will when practices start in just two weeks.
The camp, which lasted two-and-a-half hours, was led by Coach Chris Bell and his staff.
‘We were floored when we took the idea to our PEPP Club and heard how enthused they were,? Bell said. ‘They do so much for us. This was a small way to say ‘thank you.??
Gerdeman said he hopes to continue the camp next year, inviting all participants to return for ‘Football 102.?

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