Life’s Seasons

I was sitting in church yesterday and the pastor read out of Ecclesiastes 3, ‘There is a time for everything and every season under heaven.?
Well, I got thinking about the seasons and how I have noticed the weather starting to change
It’s getting darker earlier at night outside and the sun is not rising as early in the morning anymore.
The air is also cooling off more in the night, which are signs that summer is ending and fall/ winter are coming.
I am not one who likes the changing of the seasons. I become quite the ‘humbug Scrooge? in winter. I rather it stay summer year around.
But I know that the changing of the physical seasons is like the changing seasons of our lives.
For example we would not appreciate the warmth of summer if we did not experience the cold of winter. We would not appreciate the blossoming of spring if we did not expereience the death of fall.
Just like we wouldn’t understand joy if we didn’t know sorrow. Or how could we understand love if we did not know hate.
The seasons of our lives help us grow, the help shape who we are and who we will become.
It’s learning how to embrace each season that we are in. Taking it one day at a time, because every new day is one day closer to the changing of the season.
We have no more power over the seasons of our lives than we do the weather outside.
I belive that God uses the seasons to show us how we need to trust Him no matter the weather rain, snow, sunshine, or cloudy. No matter the circumstance happy, sad, mad, or hurt.
The seasons expand our faith, they help give us the proper perspective that we can’t remain in the same season we are in forever, but we need to be ready for the change that is about to take place.
The time is coming soon to put away the t-shirts and pull out the sweat shirts, not looking back at what was, but looking ahead at what is, what will be and knowing that summer will return.
And when it does we will have a greater apprecition of the warmth it brings after the cold of winter.
Until next time God bless!

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