Throw the Bums out

One of our online readers, Andrew, has this to say ’bout Dave C’s latest opinion. Any other opinions? Keep ’em coming! — Don

Whilst I agree with the author, I am not sure if I agree with Mr. Cleveland. The
essay printed in your column is from Lee Iacocca’s book “Where Have all The
Leaders Gone.” Pages 3-14, Simon & Schuster. 2007. It is very sad when people
write letter to you and they are not even using their own words.

By the way, Mr. Iacocca is right. Let’s start a fire, let’s take this country
back and “throw the bums out.” Also I was reading Inc. Magazine were they
questioned a dozen CEO’s about who would be the best President for corporations
and the Hillary Clinton was tops by 40%. I have had enough of the Clinton/ Bush
era. Since 1980 there has been a Clinton or a Bush in the Whitehouse. 28 years
of the same thing. 28 years of the slow but steady erosion of the middle class.
28 years of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

Yes, we have had some good years, but as a whole, in the last 3 decades corporations and majority shareholders have had the loudest voice in the country. For example, we pass a drug bill for seniors that set no limits on drug companies. We have lead paint
in our toys, arsenic in our toothpaste, and we can not even build an M-1 tank
without parts from China. Does our government act, no.

They divide us and say “it is the illegal’s fault, or the Gay’s fault” that you
are where you are. The truth is it is all of our fault, for not caring and
letting government ride rough shot over its citizens.

Well I say no more, I will stand up. I will “Throw the Bums out.” I will not let
this Government be overrun with self elected kings or queens. Vote the ruling
families out. Vote the ruling class out. Vote in people who will represent you
and your interests. Vote for the person you like.

Vote. Vote. Vote.

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