Nothing to do?

GOODRICH – For almost seven years now, kids in Goodrich have had a safe place to go on Friday nights.
Victory World Outreach Center on Green Road made an addition to the church building seven years ago. The addition made it possible for kids between the ages of seven and 20 to draw, play music, play basketball and dodge ball or just simply hang out and talk.
“It’s a safe place for kids. It’s a way that we can get to know them and their parents,” said Pastor Jeff Stonerock. He has been senior pastor there for eight months and has been attending faithfully for 10 years.
“If these kids have problems, they can talk to us. Sometimes the parents drop them off, but we encourage them to stay so we can get to know them too.”
Most Friday nights, the church can expect between 50-60 kids, but on the night of Feb. 7 almost 100 kids showed up awaiting the fun evening in store.
Attendee Graham Lester said, “I like coming because I get to play with my friends and play sports or draw. It’s really fun!”
Snacks such as crackers, fruit and homemade soup are provided by members of the church.
Stonerock feels that this way to reach the community has been very effective. Most of the kids that come to the open gym are not members of the church.
Most of the kids hear of the open gym through friends at school and want to join them in a night of fun and laughter.
“We don’t care if they are members or not,” Stonerock said. “We’re just glad they’re here.”.

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