Goodrich-A major rainstorm last year put a damper on Good Times in Goodrich festivities, but this year’s forecast calls for sunny skies and plenty to do for the whole family during the fifth annual downtown event.
On Aug. 29, more than 30 crafters will gather at the village commons, and there will be a wide array of entertainment for all ages? from all day bands to magicians to a show by the HOGs Ministry. The weekend will also mark the 70th anniversary of the Atlas Fire Department, featuring truck tours, fire explorer recruits, and even dog oxygen mask demonstrations.
‘Good Times in Goodrich is a great way to showcase people and their businesses, and a good way to find businesses locally,? said Jenny McKenzie, event chairperson for the third year.
Kids will be entertained in the kids zone, which includes a petting zoo, inflatable, face-painting, an old-time fire truck, a Scooby Doo Mystery Machine, and pony rides. Adults can take part in activities including a sunflower contest, a bake-off and a business expo.
‘The Feat on the Street 5K road race is something we’ve done in past years that usually gets a good turnout. The cost is $20 to run and $5 to walk, but runners get a souvenir,? said McKenzie. All race proceeds go to the Goodrich Parent Teacher Organization. Registration will be at 8 a.m. along with a pancake breakfast to make sure runners are well fed before the race kicks off at 9 a.m.
Also returning this year is the Goodrich Idol Contest. Auditions are 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the park, and finalists will then sing on stage.
Finishing off the weekend on Aug. 30 is the ‘Restaurant Rendezvous,? led by Chairperson Patty Plant. The ‘Restaurant Rendezvous? will be in the park pavilion and includes a variety of foods to sample from local restaurants. The cost is $10 a person and all proceeds go toward the Goodrich Chamber of Commerce scholarship foundation.
‘The whole weekend really brings a lot of people into town,? said Plant. ‘It’s a great way to meet new customers and really let people know what local businesses have to offer.?