Fire destroys two-story garage on N. Glaspie

OXFORD VILLAGE ? A two-story detached garage at 47 N. Glaspie St. was completely destroyed by an accidental fire Saturday evening.
According to Fire Chief Jack LeRoy, homeowner Jim Sabourin was repairing his motorcycle when gasoline leaked from a defective carburetor was ignited when the motorcycle backfired.
The chief estimated the blaze caused $95,325 worth of damage to the structure and its contents, which included a 1975 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, 1979 racing boat with trailer and many tools.
The chief said the 1,375-square-foot garage was “totally engulfed in flames” and collapsed as a result.
A front-end loader from the village Department of Public Works was used to pull apart the rumble so firefighters could extinguish any remaining “hot spots,” LeRoy said.
The fire also damaged a shed behind the garage and melted the grill of a vehicle parked near blazing structure.
A 220-volt power line which supplied electricity from the house to the garage broke free from the structure during the fire. LeRoy said firefighters coiled it up and Detroit Edison workers later disconnected it.
Despite all this, no one was injured in the fire.
LeRoy said the fire department was dispatched at 6 p.m., the first officer arrived at the scene at 6:02 p.m., the first engine arrived at 6:04 p.m. and the fire was declared officially under control at 6:29 p.m.
The scene was finally cleared at 8:59 p.m., the chief noted.
Sabourin’s mother Elsie, who also lives at the house, said she’s grateful no was hurt and that they have homeowner’s insurance.
However, she noted her son was upset about his racing boat, which she described as his “pride and joy.”

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