Voters grant permission to sell land

Oxford Village voters Monday approved a ballot proposal allowing the sale of three parcels of municipal land by a 63-13 margin.
“I was very pleased,” said village President Steve Allen of the election’s outcome. “I was surprised it passed by such a wide margin.”
The proposal’s approval will allow the village to sell 32, 36 and 38 East Burdick St. for commercial development while converting the backyard parcels into additional parking spaces.
Funds derived from the sales will be used to help finance the Oxford Community Development Authority’s (OCDA) plans to reconfigure, improve and expand the downtown’s southeast parking quadrant. The estimated cost for the project is between $1.2 and $1.5 million.
Officials are hoping to recoup the $585,619 the OCDA paid for the three parcels and maybe earn a little extra money in the process.
As a result of council’s Feb. 25 vote to rezone the front three parcels to Downtown Central Business District (C-1), Allen said combined they could sell for “as high as $750,000” according to some real estate people he’s spoken with.
“They said depending on what the market’s like, we might be able to do even better (than $750,000),” Allen said. “We may be able to make a profit.”
OCDA Chairwoman Sue Bossardet said she’s aware of at least one offer that was made last year on 36 and 38 East Burdick.
In addition to approving the ballot proposal, voters elected three candidates to three seats on the village council.
Resident Matt Weber was elected to a two-year seat with 65 votes.
Councilman George Del Vigna, who was appointed in September 2002, was elected to a three-year seat with 65 votes.
Allen was re-elected to a three-year seat with 56 votes.
Three village residents received unofficial write-in votes.
Village Planning Commissioners John DuVal and Tom Schultz each garnered two votes.
John Bossardet, former owner and operator of Bossardet Funeral Home, received one vote.
According to Clerk Rose Bejma, 76 of the village’s 2,372 registered voters participated in Monday’s election, resulting in a voter-turnout of 3.2 percent.

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