Schlusler appointed to Leonard council

Mark Schlusler was appointed to the Leonard Village Council Monday night to fill the seat vacated by outgoing Councilman Wesley Douglas.
Douglas, who served on the council for about 20 years, chose not to seek re-election.
“It’s always been a pleasure to serve,” he told the council as he bid them farewell.
Since there were no candidates for Douglas’ seat in the March 10 election, council was required to appoint a resident.
Schusler, born and raised in Leonard, was recommended by council President Eugene Mallia.
The 44-year-old construction worker for Superior Excavating said he asked Mallia to be considered for the empty seat because “it’s time for some changes” and the council “needed some help.”
Shusler, a member of the Elks and soon-to-be member of the Lions Club, lives on Forest St. with his wife of 10 years, Betty.
In other action:
n Officials unanimously approved a balanced budget for 2003-04 including $160,050 in expenditures, $135,400 in revenues and $36,188 leftover from the previous fiscal year.
n Any Leonard resident who wants a tree from Global ReLeaf of Michigan should contact Councilman Paul Almeranti at 628-5784 by Tuesday, April 1.
For $20 each, village residents can choose from a wide variety of trees including Sugar Maples, Red Maples, Swamp White Oak, American Linden, White Spire Birch, Allegheny Serviceberry, Goldenrain Tree, Japanese Tree Lilac, Red Bud, Aristocrat Pear, Red flowering Crabapple and White flowering Crabapple.
These are all bare-root trees specially selected for their ability to prosper in rural and urban settings. They’re all single or multi-stemmed, three to six feet in height depending upon the species unless otherwise noted. While the trees are all delivered in good condition, there is no guarantee of survival.
Officials agreed to order six trees to plant around the village.

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