Sign regulations updated

The sign regulations for downtown Lake Orion have been changed as of the Village Council meeting on Dec. 14.
But the change isn’t drastic.
The only difference between the old legislation, signed into effect in November of 1993, is the way in which districts are referred to in the law. For example, a phrase in the old law reads ‘Class 2 portable signs shall be permitted in the C-1, C-2, and C-3 Districts only.? The new legislation has changed ‘C-1, C-2, and C-3? to ‘CC, DC, and MU.?
The slight alteration was needed because of the new zoning ordinance that was adopted on Nov. 22. The new ordinance was rewritten to clarify and simplify the way in which village government officials deal with ordinance issues.
Part of the simplification measures in the Nov. 22 zoning ordinance alteration was to change the district’s designations.
Linda Gierak, the Planning & Zoning Coordinator for the Village of Lake Orion wanted to make it clear that the meaning of the sign regulations haven’t changed at all. She stressed that the changes were to make the sign regulation compatible with the renamed districts in the new zoning ordinance.
Gierak and Lake Orion Village Manager Paul Zelenak also pointed out that businesses currently exempt from the regulations would remain so, and vice versa.
Some local businesses have voiced opposition to the current sign regulations for the Village. Lloyd Coe, owner of Ed’s Broadway Gift and Costume, said that his main problem is that he cannot advertise on M-24.
‘The kind of hoops that they make businesses jump through to get a sign out on M-24 is ridiculous,? said Coe. ‘Meanwhile you got McDonald’s and Walgreens advertising out there, and the businesses in downtown get forgotten.
‘On top of it, they just increased the rate you have to pay to keep a sandwich board sign in front of the store from $15 every three months to $25.?
Other business owners, like Ron Jedlicki, owner of Hook, Line, & Sinker Bait & Tackle said that the regulations for the sandwich boards were under’If there was no cost for the signs, Jedlicki. ‘I’ve been here for 19 years now, and I used to have a sign out front, but when they started charging for them I took it down.
‘Sure it hurts business at first but people get used to it.?
There are currently no public plans to rewrite the sign regulation.
The complete sign regulation packet is available for public viewing at the Village Government offices at 37 E. Flint Street.

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