Budget hearing set for May 10

Residents who wish to give their input regarding the proposed 2011-12 Oxford Village budget will get their opportunity during a public hearing set for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10 at 22 W. Burdick St.
‘The more people we have in this room, the better off we all are,? said village President Teri Stiles. ‘Sharing those decisions with the people that we’re making those decisions for is really a big relief, I think, for the five of us.?
The proposed $6.49 million budget is still a work in progress, however, downloadable copies of it ? plus village Manager Joe Young’s list of suggested budget cuts, revenue sources and potential municipal collaborations ? will be posted at www.villageofoxford.org by the end of this week.
Posting the budget on-line was a suggestion from resident John DuVal as a way to increase the public’s involvement in the budget process.
‘One council member mentioned to me that some of the best decisions and best thought process occurs when you have a lot of people offering input,? DuVal told council. ‘It takes a great burden off each one of you individually when you get hopefully, constructive feedback from the audience.?
Right now, the proposed budget includes a $1.95 million general fund and $4.54 million in restricted funds. Those restricted funds include a proposed $577,528 operating budget for the Downtown Development Authority and proposed $921,199 budget for the village police department and dispatch center.
Sue Bossardet, a longtime resident and former council president, made her feelings perfectly clear on the village’s financial situation. She opposes any effort to raise the village’s current tax rate of 10.62 mills.
‘The village and the DDA need to learn to live within their means and don’t come to the taxpayers to pay for things that you want to do,? she told council Tuesday evening. ‘You put money aside and you save for it just like I have to. And as far as I’m concerned, you needn’t raise our taxes at all. You don’t have the money to do programs, events, whatever the village wants to do, whatever the DDA wants to do, then don’t come looking to me to pay for it.?

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