Staying ahead of Yellow Jackets

By Gabriel Ouzounian
Review Staff Writer
The Dragons took on a double header against Avondale May 18, playing through the rain and mud to beat the Yellow Jackets 6-5.
Avondale struck first blood in the first inning scoring two runs, but the Dragons answered in kind, raising the ante by two and leading the game going into the second, 4-2.
The second and third innings were largely uneventful with both teams quickly and efficiently tagging, striking and throwing out their opponents.
The fourth inning began much like the third, with the exception of two notable plays.
An impressive third out was made by sophomore catcher Roman Kuster after a high throw came into home plate. Kuster leapt to catch the ball as an Avondale runner ran by inches from making a run just to have the Dragon’s glove come down and tip him before he touched the base.
The Dragons, now at bat, made a solid effort to increase their lead but before long two outs were tallied on the scoreboard. Sophomore Nick Volgelmeier managed to slam one out to right field for a double, then, off a wild throw from the Avondale pitcher, stole third. Yet a pop fly to center-field proved an easy third out, ending the fifth inning.
Avondale broke the score drought, bringing in a single run and narrowing the gap between them and their Lake Orion hosts. The Dragons fought back and quickly put #12 and Senior Zack Zott on second and first. Avondale walked a third Dragon, albeit after catching two outs, to load the bases. Yet Avondale’s pitcher found his second wind, striking out Sophomore Cody Campbell and ending the sixth.
The Dragons held down any scoring effort the Yellow Jackets had in the sixth inning while extending their lead with two more runs. The seventh inning saw an increased effort on Avondale’s part, with the Yellow Jackets bringing in two runs to put them only one run away from extra innings.
But the Dragons avoided being flustered and pulled through, knocking out three more outs and winning the game.
The Dragons played on May 20 against Troy, and again on Monday against Stoney Creek.
Their final game of the normal season will happen on Wednesday May 25.

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