Boys? Lacrosse makes school history

The Lake Orion Boys? Varsity Lacrosse team took home their first Oakland Athletics Association Blue Division championship May 17, when they beat Royal Oak, 17-1.
First year coach Brad Thomas said it was an excellent way to send off the seniors and a great way to end the normal season.
‘We gave a complete performance in every facet of our game,? said Thomas. ‘We did great on our faceoffs, we moved the ball well, we finished on our opportunities, and over all it was one of our better performances.?
Notable performances included Brad Bogus scoring one goal and two assists, Nick DiPonio scoring four goals, Zachary Miller scoring one and two assists, and Jake Berkal scoring one goal and two assists. Sam Kanda and Jimmy Davis both had two goals each.
With the championship in hand, the Dragons finished their normal season 10-6, and entered the playoffs on May 20 with a game against Davison. The team fell behind early in the game and could not rally to win the game. The final score was, 10-8.
The season is finished for the Dragons, but Thomas said they accomplished their goal, which was to put something up in the gym that will be remembered forever.

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