Legion supports community

They all served their country in the Armed Forces. Some fought in wars. Others kept the peace.
Now, these same individuals continue to serve their country by serving the communities of Oxford and Addison through American Legion Walter Fraser Post 108.
Most people probably operate under the mistaken assumption that the only time Post 108 is active is on Memorial Day or Veterans Day and the only causes it supports are those directly relating to veterans.
But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Post 108 plays a vital role in the community by contributing both money and man-hours to various local causes aimed at helping others.
Last year, Post 108 contributed the following amounts to various charitable cause, programs and groups:
n Oxford/Orion FISH ? $3,000
n Kids Kingdom ? $5,100
n Oxford Band Boosters ? $500
n Concerts in the Park ? $350
n Senior Citizens? Christmas Party ? $306
n Troop #366 Eagle Scout Project ? $225
n Boys State ? $310
n Student Trooper Program ? $450
n Vets Assistance Committee for Local Vets ? $72,043
n Children’s International Adoption Program ? $915
n Christmas Gifts for Needy Families ? $900
n Sponsoring a local soccer team ? $800
n Scouting activities ? $2,260
In addition to all that, the Legion (in conjunction with the AMVETS) has set up a scholarship program this year for graduating Oxford High School seniors, whereby two students will be given $1,000 each to put toward furthering their educations.
‘We try to help wherever we can,? said Jim Parkhurst, Judge Advocate and Past Commander of Post 108. ‘It’s all part of giving back to the community and helping those in need. If we hear someone needs help, we help them.?
Parkhurst said part of the Legion’s stated mission is to serve ‘God, Country and Community.?
‘That’s what we try to do,? he said.
Other groups in the Post 108 family also make their contributions to local charities.
In 2002, the Sons of the American Legion Post 108 made $3,394 in charitable donations, while American Legion Auxiliary Unit 108 contributed $1,590.
In addition to money, last year members of Post 108 performed an estimated 600 hours of community service, helping make Oxford a better place to live.
And when they weren’t contributing their sweat to serve their fellow man, Post 108 was collecting blood to help save lives.
The Post donated an impressive 120 pints of blood to the American Red Cross last year.
American Legion members spent the first part of their lives keeping the United States ? and much of the world ? free and secure from invaders and tyrants.
Now, they’ve devoted the rest of their lives to enhancing our communities, helping others and improving the quality of life for all.
For this, everyone should all be grateful.
Thank you American Legion Post 108.

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