Orion professionals teach for a day

The kids of Blanche Sims received a different kind of education on May 10, when adults from around Orion Township and further came in to share what they did for a living.
Every class room, from the smallest kindergarten to the busiest fifth grade, was entertained by professionals sharing their knowledge and explaining what they did. From engineers, to law enforcement to registered nurses, the students received nearly every aspect of the working world.
‘We had 15 speakers and we got a lot of peopel back from last year too,? said fifth grade teacher and Orion resident Tom Chaffee. ‘We basically expose the students to different careers – as many LO businesspeople as we can get. We usually get a lot of parents to come in but when there’s gaps I go out to the local businesses and recruit.?
Chaffee said the students loved it and had a ton of questions – some of which took the speakers by surprise. Chaffee reportedly heard a student ask an engineer what he makes to which the engineer replied $75,000. The child then asked Lake Orion Police Lieutenant Harold Rossman the same question – $25,000.
The kid then turned to a friend to mutter ‘I’m going to be an engineer.?
The event is held every other year.

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