FBI raids local sub restaurant

The Orion based Tubby’s Grilled Submarines was the subject of an FBI raid on Sept. 5 after the owner of the restaurant was alleged to have obtained and attempted to manufacture explosives.
The man’s home was also raided.
Charges against owner Alaa Manuel Qasawa, who was arraigned on Sept. 6 at 1 p.m., included trying to obtain stolen explosive material and posses or conceal them without a license – a violation of federal law.
In an affidavit, a cooperating witness told FBI Special Agent Jeffery Jacobs that in early August he had a telephone conversation with Qasawa who wanted to order crimping tools for wires at his work. A few days later the witness said another call occurred but this time Qasawa inquired about blasting caps. The witness said he asked why he wanted 50 caps to which Qasawa replied he was a private collector. The witness allegedly said the caps were only available to certain agencies and entities to which the suspect requested a call-back if the ‘good stuff? could be acquired.
The third call alleged Qasawa tried to make the caps himself, but that the witness would not provide the measurements of the devices. This information was enough for the FBI to deduct reasonable suspicion that Qasawa was attempting to make improvised explosives.
On Aug. 22, the witness consented to a monitored telephone call with the suspect. He allegedly told Qasawa he might be able to get him the items he was looking for. Qasawa was interested, but suggested the witness call from a different number in the after hours. The two agreed on a price and payment method.
Throughout the conversation Qasawa said he didn’t want to get in trouble with law enforcement and repeatedly asked if having the items would get him into trouble. They discussed how to use the device before ending the call.
Another call occurred the next day in which the two discussed the device that was coming and how to use it. This conversation led FBI to believe Qasawa assumed the devices he was buying were stolen.

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