Clarkston turns pink to raise awareness

Downtown Clarkston was decked in shades of pink this week to raise awareness for breast cancer.
The Clarkston Retailers? Paint the Town Pink, A Ladies Night Out event raised $700 for Swan for Life Cancer Foundation, which provides free education, support and resources to cancer patients, families, caregivers and friends in Southeastern Michigan.
Twenty retailers participated in the event.
Real Estate One covered their office from ceiling to floor with pink; even the ghost outside was decorated.
According to Real Estate One Agent Kevin McCort, they held a pumpkin-decorating contest and silent auction with proceeds going to Swan for Life.
Pink cupcakes along with other refreshments were served, and anyone who stopped by could purchase a pink T-shirt.
Christina Calka of Village Fashion Boutique and Tammy Darr of Clarkston Travel draped their shops? windows and steps in pink.
‘It was nice to see so many ladies downtown patronizing the local businesses,? said Darr.
Clarkston Travel held a raffle for a set of pink travel luggage, which raised almost $200 for Swan for Life. Darr said she would definitely participate in the event again.
Peg Roth, co-founder of the Clarkston Retailers group and organizer of the Paint the Town Pink event was very pleased with the turn out.
Not only did shoppers flock downtown for the bargains and pink treats offered, but ‘some cancer survivors come through? as well, Roth said. Swan for Life also brought volunteers who helped in busy shops.
Roth thanks Doug Metzger from ‘The Print Shop? who furnished 50 free flyers for the event.
To donate to Swan for Life in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, go to

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