Let there be more lights

Brandon Twp – David Allyn said traffic safety improvement on Baldwin Road will happen this year, he’s just not sure when it will happen.
‘The signals will happen this year,? said Allyn, Director of Traffic Safety for Oakland County Road Commission..
Badly needed traffic lights at both the Baldwin and Seymour Lake east and west intersections are scheduled to be installed, said Allyn, but it will not happen until land rights of way are complete.
‘The east leg of the Seymour Lake intersection (which is located in Oxford Township) requires a left turn lane first,? said Allyn.
In order to construct the left hand turn lane, a right of way needs to be purchased. Allyn said the transaction is on the verge of completion and then construction could begin.
‘It’s an Oakland County Road Commission project that has been approved,? said Allyn.
The west leg of Seymour Lake Road (situated in Brandon Township) requires a widening flare, which Allyn said that, too, is an approved project.
During peek traffic hours, drivers entering onto Baldwin from both east and west Seymour Lake Road must wait several minutes to get a break in traffic. There are no traffic lights from as far south as Lake Orion, to break up the heavy traffic flow.
‘I expect this to go this year,? assured Allyn.

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