Orion Village Crossing starts with 3 residential buildings

The combined commercial and residential planned unit development (PUD) project at Maybee and Baldwin Roads, known as Orion Village Crossing, will be done in phases with road work, paving and utilities to come first.
Attorney Suzanne Reynolds, representing developer Anthony Ferlito, told the Orion Township Board of Trustees on July 7 that the phasing plan should be on the planning commission’s next meeting agenda.
“It’s being recorded in phases and constructed so that the roads, utilities and first three (residential) buildings will be built simultaneously,” she said.
Clerk Jill Bastian said the township was not notified before of the phasing plan.
“This is a complex project,” said supervisor Jerry Dywausk. “Is there a way we can resolve this tonight?”
The board voted to approve the development agreement for the commercial PUD and one for the residential PUD.
“The timeliness of the phases may have to be brought back,” said trustee Richard Tomczak.
“After the fees are paid, a lot of staff time is spent trying to make things right,” Bastian said. “When we didn’t know there were phases…they created a problem that really left the township in an awkward position.”
Trustee Michael Gingell said the township’s main concern with phasing the project was the group’s marketing effort.
“If your marketing effort isn’t successful, do those (three) buildings sit there for three years?” he asked. “We want to make sure the other buildings will be built in a timely fashion.”
Once the project is complete, Reynolds said there will be 18 residential buildings in all, with units per building varying.
“I don’t think anyone pulls 18 building permits and builds all at the same time,” she added. “I don’t think we’re planning to build any faster or slower because we’re doing it in a phasing plan.”

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