Brandon Education Center garage sale

Brandon Twp.- Garage sale signs are popping up like flowers this spring and soon one will be in front of the Brandon Education Center.
The first annual BEC garage sale is planned for 2:30 p.m.-6 p.m., May 29-May 30 at the center, located at the former Belle Ann Elementary, 155 E. Glass Road. Each and every item at the sale will feature a price of just $1 and a large portion of the proceeds will be given to establishing a scholarship fund in memory of Cindy Locey, with remaining proceeds enabling low-income students to go on field trips.
‘We organized the garage sale because of an overflow at the Brandon Clothing Closet and to raise money for the scholarship fund and for field trips that the alternative high school students go on, because many of our students struggle,? said Kristy McDonald, Brandon Alternative High School director.
The Brandon Clothing Closet opened last fall for families in need, with more than 200 items of clothing in all different sizes for both children and adults and ranging from shirts and pants to coats, gloves and shoes. Only items in good condition were accepted and donations continued to pour in all winter, more than the center has room to store.
McDonald and Lorretta Robinson hope a successful garage sale will continue to help the community, particularly students at the Brandon Alternative High School who have the desire to go to college, but need financial assistance. The scholarship fund will be named after Cindy Locey, an elementary teacher in Brandon who died suddenly April 1 at the age of 38.
‘Cindy’s husband donated her entire wardrobe to us,? said McDonald. ‘She really enjoyed Ortonville and he knows she would have wanted to give back to the community. We hope to keep the scholarship fund going and have the garage sale annually.?
Proceeds will also fund field trips for BAHS students who would otherwise not be able to afford to go to places such as the Detroit Science Center, zoo, planetarium and the Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills.
For more information on the BEC garage sale, which will also include baked goods and plants, call 248-627-1860.

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