Ceramics at camp

Kids smoothed the clay edges on their tiles before they added spiral and macaroni noodles for texture last week in Ceramics Camp at Pine Knob Elementary.
During week long Camp, the kids worked with clay and plaster and spent the last day glazing their creations.
“They do a lot of tile work and creatures,” said Jodi Sebring, a Pine Knob teacher.
She added in elementary the students work on one clay project per grade level. The camp allows them to do 10-15 projects in one week. They also build on to skills they already knew. For example, they learned how to make a pinch pot in Kindergarten and during camp they created a pinch pot animal.
Another Ceramics Camp is offered in the summer, August 18-22, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and a Clay Camp for 6th-9th graders is held the same days from 1-3:30 p.m.
The camps are offered through Clarkston Community Education. Please visit www.clarkston.k12.mi.us for more information.

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