Garden work in Depot Park

It’s hard work to make sure Depot Park in downtown Clarkston stays beautiful, according to City of the Village of Clarkston DPW worker Ralph Daigle.
Employees perform a lot of tasks to keep the park beautiful like weeding flower beds, mowing the grass, weed whipping, removing garbage and caring for trees.
“We also get the park ready for Concerts in the Park, and do things like hang banners,” said Daigle.
DPW Foreman Jason Miller said the gazebo in the park, which has been continuously vandalized, was sanded and painted in the middle of June.
City Manager Carol Eberhardt also created an Adopt-a-Garden program last year. This year, volunteers adopted 13 gardens in the park and have cared for them in a variety of ways from planting flowers to weeding. Gardens, now in full bloom, are located throughout the park.

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