LO Methodist church offers free computer cafe

Local residents who need to use a computer for job application searches, to put together a resume or just need to correspond with others can make use of a computer caf? offered at Lake Orion United Methodist Church.
The caf? will be open every Monday from 4 to 8 p.m. at the church, located at 140 E. Flint.
There will be four computers available and will be someone there to help with the use of the computer programs and answer questions. Some programs include Microsoft Word, Excel and other programs as well as internet access.
A printer also will be available. There is no cost for the service, according to Lisa Goyette. The church also is considering offering computer classes and will provide more information later about that.
Goyette said church officials though the caf? is needed because the Michigan Works! office located in Oxford recently moved out of the area. The facility served Orion and Oxford residents who needed to search for jobs and use the internet but did not have access to computers.
Goyette said even though area libraries have computers and the internet, that residents can typically use those computers for a short time and are often timed-out.
‘This will allow them time to complete their work and someone will be there to help,? she said.
The church also does a community meals program on Mondays and Goyette said the computer caf? should be a good companion to that service.

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