Village manager gives up vote

Mark Slown is still a member of the Oxford Community Development Authority board, but he won’t be voting any more.
Council voted unanimously last week to “appoint the village manager as a non-voting (ex-officio) member” of the Downtown Development Authority board.
Slown, who’s served on the OCDA for four years, voluntarily gave up his vote “in order to get some fresh blood on the board.”
The manager said giving up his vote will allow council to “appoint someone else as a voting member” and “bring some new volunteers forward who are excited about the possibility of working with the OCDA.”
Slown noted that the Main Street Program “recommends rotating” DDA members.
“Are there volunteers standing in line to take Mark’s seat?” asked Councilman Dave Bailey.
“Yes there are,” Slown replied.
Village President Steve Allen explained that now that the OCDA has a full-time executive director who “is here everyday” (referring to Michelle Bishop who was hired in April 2003), continuing to require the village manager to serve as a voting board member is no longer necessary.
“Back in the period when the OCDA director was a part-time position, it was almost imperative that someone from the village staff be a part of that board,” Allen explained.
Slown noted that the OCDA’s bylaws will have to be amended because they identify the village manager position as an automatic voting member of the board.
The village manager’s decision to give up his vote drew praise from Allen.
“Mark works very hard to do the right thing in the community,” Allen said. “I know that you’re very interested in the OCDA board. No one should take your willingness to step aside as showing you don’t have interest because you certainly do. I appreciate the fact that you’re willing to step aside and allow fresh faces a turn.”

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