Outgoing Addison Township Board Trustees John Boehmer and Ed Brakefield were each recently presented with plaques commending their individual terms of service.
Boehmer, who was absent from the meeting, served as trustee on the Addison Township Board for eight years and served 10 years on Addison Township’s Zoning Board of Appeals.
“The township of Addison recognizes Trustee John Boehmer, not only for his service on the zoning board of appeals and the township board, but also the many community outreach programs for the parks and its trails, and county road improvements,” said Township Supervisor Bruce Pearson.
“The township of Addison (also) recognizes the hours of dedication and service to the community, (which) often remain unnoticed as a public servant serves, not for the glory but for the betterment of the community, as did Trustee John Boehmer.”
Trustee Ed Brakefield served as trustee on the Addison Township Board and as an Addison Township planning commissioner for 20 years.
Among his many accomplishments on the board, Brakefield is most recognized for his involvement in a project which delivered the piping of natural gas into Addison Township in 2013.
Brakefield was also presented with a letter of thanks, written by Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Director Ron Davis.
“The township will miss your dedicated service and the wealth of knowledge bearing behind your perfected public smile. Your calm and reasonable approach was always based on strength, knowledge and your overriding love for the well-being of the township,” Pearson read from Davis’ letter.
Jacob Newby, an 18-year-old Eagle Scout and college student, and Joel King, who’s served on the Addison Township Library board for three years, are the two newly-elected board members who will join incumbents for a new term.
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