Get your wings, there are ‘Angels Among Us’

Brandon Twp – Tom Bruno says there are angels among us and he has seen them.
Nearly ten years ago Bruno said he was standing in front of a multitude of angels who had surrounded him with a message from God.
Only one angel, dressed in a white robe and longish hair, spoke to Bruno telling him they were to convince him he is loved—with no conditions attached.
The next message conveyed to Bruno was to “Look up,” said Bruno. “Mankind keeps looking inward for love, yet the angels want people to look up and see the glory of God.”
Bruno is known as a Christian Psychologist, who earned a Master’s degree in Divinity through Hope College, Western Theological Seminary, and the author of “Jesus Ph.D., Psychologist” as well as “Jesus the Outlaw.”
Bruno has appeared on The Oprah Show, The Shirley Show, in Canada, and offers insight to understanding the presence of angels in his lecture series “Angels Among Us.”
“If you believe in God—make the next step and believe God works through them,” said Bruno.
On Sept. 29, Bruno presented the second part of his “Angels Among Us” series at The Brandon Township Library.
To the standing room only crowd, Bruno shared his angelic intervention with the audience stating he had never incorporated the story into his lecture before.
Bruno explained that while meeting the one-thousand angels was haunting and awesome, he did not question why he was standing in their presence.
“It was too real to question ,” said Bruno who confidently continued that he had always felt he was a blessed person, from God.
Given his intense interest in angels and his speaking engagements about them, Bruno felt the experience made him sure to stay on target that they are not to be worshipped, but that they speak for God.
While he stated he realizes an angel exchange may be hard for some people to accept as truth, with a show of hands, more than half of the audience replied they had experienced some type of miraculous intervention in their lives.
“Theologians say every person is assigned an angel through a contract with God, so to speak,” Bruno told his audience.
Having been referenced to, more than 376 times in the Bible, Bruno calculates that the presence of innumerable angels have been sporadically prominent on earth in three to five waves since the writing of the Old Testament.
Bruno said the Christian, Daniel, who was thrown into the lion’s den said one thousand -thousands/or one million angels serve God, and another 100 million were standing ready to serve.
The final wave of visitation, or “sightings” began in this century, however Bruno said Adam and Eve knew there were angels, and Raphael was their favorite. “Islams, Jews, and Christians all believe in angels,” said Bruno, “So something is going on up there,” he said.
“God cares about what happens in your world in detail on a daily basis and has sent angels to help,” said Bruno who describes angels as holy, pure, spiritual, powerful, with eternal light and love.
“They are a pure extension of the thoughts of God, and his ideas,” he continued.
Bruno said that we are living in a violent world and in the midst of that, God has given angels permission to help raise the consciousness of the world.
“Believing in angels has changed the way I live my life, and the way I feel about it,” said Bruno.
“Take it or leave it,” said Bruno who stated he had not come to convince the crowd that the angels were there because he already believed in them.
Bruno said that Time Magazine did a poll and found that more than 78 percent of the population believes in angels and more than 50 percent have stories of angelic encounters. When Bruno asked his audience at the Brandon Library the same two questions all but two people admitted to believing in the presence of angels and over half admitted to having an angelic intervention.
“Here it is folks….God is speaking today,” smiled Bruno.

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