DPW communications tops Village meeting

n DPW communication:
Although DPW crew are still without a means of communicating while out in the community, the village manager is still comparing radio communication bid packages between Nextel, Verizon, and Team Mobile. Village Manager, Paul Zelenak told the council he hopes to have all bids complete by the next council meeting.
n Paint bill
Council tabled discussion to pay the $5,321 additional Russ Adams paint bill, for completion of painting the old mill. The additional amount came to council after the job was complete because, Russ Adams said he was unaware of the additional charges from his paint supplier until the job was done. The holdup in payment is because the Old Mill Historical Society sought out Adams to do the job and asked the council to supplement almost $6,500 of the original $11,000 bill. Council members each suggested a different way to resolve the issue but agreed that Manager Paul Zelenak should discuss the issue with historical society members, regarding settling responsibility of the additional amount, before the next council meeting.
n New space causes debate with merchants
In an effort to provide more parking space in the downtown area, village officials added three more spaces in front of Mabelena’s Quilt Shop, after Mill Street was paved. However, if cars are parked there during specific delivery hours for Hamilton’s Feed, the delivery trucks have difficulty backing into Hamilton’s driveway.
In order to resolve the delivery concern of the 70 year-old establishment, Manager Paul Zelenak proposed posting a limited parking sign on spaces to prohibit parking during the peak delivery hours for Hamilton’s.
Zelenak told the council, however, that the time limitations have become a problem for customers at Mabelena’s as many customers carry sewing machines into the building and the spaces provided (three weeks ago) are much preferred over parking beside the building.
Council opted to table approval of the time limit sign until Zelenak could meet with both Bill Kratt, owner of Hamilton’s and Brenda Heffernan, Mabelena’s owner.
n Public Hearing for CDBG funds
A public hearing will be held on Nov. 10, at 7 p.m to discuss allocation of the 2004 Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $8,000. The meeting will be held at the Old Town Hall, on Mill Street.

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