Most Lakeville Elementary students have already had the pleasure of meeting Lucky the Reading Dog, but last week they were introduced to a friend of another species– Trish the Reading Chicken!
April Ventline, a parent of a Lakeville Elementary student, brought her pet chicken, Trish, to accompany her last Wednesday as she read with students.
Ventline, who has read with Lakeville students at the school’s Cozy Cat Café every Wednesday for the last three years, said she was hoping to shake things up and garner more excitement for reading among the students.
Ventline and Trish read with six students that day– each more excited than the last to have the chance to read with a chicken!
“I’m hoping that the kids got some enjoyment out of it,” said Ventline. “I want reading to be fun. I want them to love reading. I hoped to instill the love of reading in my kids and now I’m hoping that spreads to the kids that I read to, or who read to me. It’s a bit of a novelty, but they seemed to really enjoy Trish.”
Trish sat on a chair, patiently listening to Lakeville students as they read their favorite books to her.
Ventline said she plans to bring Trish to delight Lakeville students again in the future.
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