By Liam Houston
TORC Student Team Member
Oxford High School’s FIRST robotics competition team, Team 2137 TORC competed at the FIRST in Michigan Belleville District Event at Belleville High School, where they won the Chairman’s Award and made it to the semifinals with their robot.
The Chairman’s Award is the most prestigious award given by FIRST. Winning this award qualifies TORC to compete with other Chairman’s Award winners from other qualifying events and with their robot at the Michigan State Championship at Saginaw Valley State University, April 10-13.
Out of 40 teams that competed at Bellville, TORC placed fifth in the qualifying matches and, during alliance selection, were the captain of the third alliance. They chose Team 5530, the Greenhill Lawnmowers, from Ann Arbor and Team 6013, the Robowolves, from Detroit to compete with them on their alliance. The alliance’s two quarter final matches ended in victory. The alliance then went on to the semifinals, where they lost both matches.
“Our robot performed very well, only needing minor changes to carry us to a fifth place finish. Although our drivers were given very little time to practice, they mastered the controls and performed like seasoned veterans,” said Eric Schimmel, team coach and mentor. “I am very proud of our students.”
Team drive coach and mentor Phil Kimmel was nominated for the Woodie Flowers award. This award recognizes mentors that have had the biggest impact on their students and exemplify FIRST and STEM beliefs. “I feel blessed to work with so many wonderful students and great mentors. Those two groups of people are who make TORC the team that it is. I am glad to be part of the team,” Kimmel said.
TORC’s next district qualifying competition will be at Alpena High School in Alpena on March 22-23.
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