New project opens year

Brandon Township –
Long before Brandon Fire Chief Bob McArthur received unanimous approval to bid out the construction of Fire Station 3, on Oakwood and Hurd roads, the money was accounted for.
‘The good thing is this can be built without increasing the millage,? McArthur told village council prior to winning approval to bid construction.
An early Christmas present to the fire department, ground breaking started on schedule, Monday, Dec. 22 for the modestly designed Station 3.
Chief McArthur said site work and footings should be completed by the end of this year or early in 2004 and anticipates a target building construction start to be in the spring of 2004.
‘The architects designed the back of the station so that more can be added later,? McArthur said.
McArthur said the $1,000,060 construction bid awarded to Premacon, Inc., of Southfield was the lowest bid of a three-part bid package.
Project Manager Ken Williams said he’s been looking forward to getting the one-truck station project started as he and his company have built other fire stations in the county with the architects from CDPA, of Southfield.
‘I anticipate this project should be a smooth ride getting to the completion of the building,? Williams said.
Completion of the station is anticipated to be in 2005.
For more than two years Chief McArthur has been planning on building another station in the northeast quadrant of Brandon Township to improve response time for the increasing population in the community.
Outside of having another station placed in one of the more remote areas in the township, the biggest asset to both the community and the project, according to township and village officials is that the building will be built without increasing taxes to the residents.
Rather than asking for an increased millage to fund the project, McArthur has been budgeting dollars, from the existing millage for Fire Equipment and Housing.
‘I think this is great to have Station 3 out here,? said Township Trustee Charlene Carlson, ‘And the best thing is it is being built without new taxes because the chief planned well, plus we’re going to have this part of the township more protected.?
Drainage changes have already been constructed at the site, which has already offered a relief to surrounding residents who had previously experienced seasonal flooding.
Once the station is finished the chief said his firefighters have volunteered to complete the landscaping.
McArthur says although he does not anticipate getting through the construction without any hitches he is positive about the feedback he’s gotten about Premacon, Inc. work, from other fire chiefs who have stations built by them.
‘There are always issues, but the architect was very supportive about Premacon and the other chiefs were positive about our choice.?

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