THE VILLAGE OF OXFORD ORDAINS and hereby amends Zoning Ordinance 6.1.23 KEEPING OF FARM ANIMALS AND OTHER ANIMALS as follows:
The keeping, raising, or breeding of animals, poultry or livestock, including farm animals and non-domestic animals and reptiles (except domesticated cats, dogs, canaries, parakeets, parrots, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, fish, rabbits and similar animals commonly kept as pets), shall be prohibited, except as permitted under the General Code of Ordinances Chapter 6, Animals, Article III Keeping of Chickens Section 6.61-Section 6.66 and, as may be permitted by and under conditions of public safety, comfort, convenience and quiet use of property imposed by the Zoning Board of Appeals. The complete copy of this ordinance and the amendments stated herein can be reviewed in their entirety at the Village of Oxford Clerk’s Office, 22 W. Burdick St., Oxford, MI. 48371. (248) 624-2543. Email: Website:
Joseph Madore, Village Manager
Published, Oxford Leader June 24, 2020
Effective July 1, 2020
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