Brandon Twp. renews NO HAZ

Brandon Twp. – The Brandon Township Board voted to renew the county run North Oakland Household Hazardous Waste (NO HAZ) management contract in the amount of $5,000.
The yearly dues are based on the amount of residents anticipated to utilize the hazardous waste disposal opportunities throughout the year.
NO HAZ estimates Brandon Township’s resident participation will average out to $1.25 per household, or around $6,000.
The township, however, only budgeted the $5,000 it cost to participate in the consortium in 2003, so they agreed to participate in the program again this year but has extended a cash cap of $5,000 for 2004.
The township will be notified by the county if resident participation exceeds that amount.
In 2003 more than 15 communities have partnered with the NO HAZ consortium to provide safe and reliable collection alternatives throughout the county, for hazardous waste.
Marty Seaman, Waste Resource Management Director said the total cost of the program is $90,000 and the more communities that enter into the consortiums, the lower the membership cost.
Charlene Carlson, trustee for the township board and NoHaz education committee chairperson said that although Brandon Township participation tracked low at around 1 percent of the households that took advantage of the waste material management program, she encouraged the board to participate for a second year.
‘This has been my baby for a couple of years,? said Carlson.
‘I’d like to do whatever we can do to keep the program going.?
Carlson was reappointed to the NO HAZ committee as the township representative.

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